Our mind is like a "production factory of thoughts" . It produces countless thoughts every nanosecond.... Even as I write this post numerous thoughts flash like lightning on the sky of my mind... So many thoughts, good and bad, positive and negative.
I recently read a book and really loved how this book explains the working of this production factory of thoughts - OUR MIND..
This particular production factory is under the charge of two foreman, let me introduce them...
Mr. TRIUMPH is in charge of manufacturing positive thoughts. He specializes in the production of reasons 'Why "YOU" Can!!! '
Mr. DEFEAT, on the other hand, produces negative thoughts.He specializes in the production of reasons 'Why "YOU" Can't!!! '
Both these foremen are very obedient and always ready to work. All you need to do is signal one of them and they just start working. If the signal is positive Mr. TRIUMPH comes forward and if the signal is negative Mr. DEFEAT comes into picture.
Just imagine, you wake up from bed and you say to yourself.."O its such a lousy day"... There comes your loyal Mr. DEFEAT and starts the manufacturing process. The Weather is horrible, I think I have a headache... So much to do at work/School.. I think I wont complete my task today.. And of course the day ends as a lousy one..
On the other hand, you wake up and say to yourself... " What a beautiful day" the manufacturing process starts immediately. For a nature loving person like me it is something like "Look at the chirping of the birds, the warm morning sun, the cool gentle breeze, so refreshing, the flowers dancing with the wind... having a rhythm of their own.. Like the beautiful rhythm of life..."
No doubt when you go to bed, you feel wonderful and alive and happy..Its really was a beautiful day..
This small example illustrates what we need to do. ALWAYS signal "Mr Triumph". Let me tell you another secret. Do you know, the foreman which works more becomes stronger and stronger. Am sure you don't want Mr. DEFEAT to grow stronger.. Do you?
Now we know what to do; let's decide.. " we will fire Mr. DEFEAT, give him no work at all" .
A day will come when Mr. TRIUMPH will be full fledged in-charge of this production factory... OUR MIND.
Eventually, all dreams will start coming true. The life that we have been dreaming about, will transform into reality. Let us change our thoughts to change our lives, into a better one.
“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.”
As a child, the following quote influenced my thoughts invariably and helped me transfrom into a sanguine soul. It is, however, difficult to remain positive in all circumstances and requires years of dedication. It gives me loads of pleasures to know about people like you who believe and spread optimism and positivity around.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Cheers to sanguinity!!!
The quote that you have presented here, makes me travel back into my childhood days...
You know I read a similar quote which still remains engraved in my mind. This particular quote was written on the brown paper cover, we used to cover our text books in school... Remember how we used to have new books in the beginning of every new year at school; a day would go in properly covering the books, with brown sheets.. :)
This is how I came across this quote long long back. Nostalgic memories remain associated with this quote. Feels great to pen it down here. :)
Sow a thought, reap an action.
Sow an action, reap a habit.
Sow a habit, reap a character.
Sow a character, reap a destiny!
I completely agree with you...
Thought from a great personality..
"If you envy successful people, you create a negative force field of attraction that repels you from ever doing the things that you need to do to be successful. If you admire successful people, you create a positive force field of attraction that draws you toward becoming more and more like the kinds of people that you want to be like."
--- Brian Tracy
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