I like these words since my early school days when I read about Caesar, in history. Any person may have positive and negative aspects, including Caesar, however, we must be like a sponge and learn and assimilate good and positive from our surrounding and the people and ignore the negatives.
These few words, have helped me learn... to create a path of success for any mission which I choose to undertake...
These few words may mean different things to different people. Conquer is mostly associated with victory @war, and some people may consider that these words depict pride and arrogance. It might seem to them to be words spoken by a monarch. People have various perceptions about things and other people. I respect that, however, here would like to present my version of this statement. The semantics which I attach to this statement.
I came, I saw, I conquered... To me this represents a long voyage of victory. We come to this world, completely innocent; we learn everything slowly and steadily. Have you watched a child growing? For them each day packages a new learning experience. How they learn to walk, taking small steps, falling multiple times before being able to stand up steadily on their feet. Slowly their senses develop, the sense of touch... Its a long, slow but steady process. I feel that exactly is the way we realize our passion, our drive. By being close to our self, we learn what makes us alive, what is the purpose we have on this planet. After this realization, there may be no rosy path to success and achievement in our chosen objective. We need to fall multiple times before we learn to walk, then climb and finally race.
" I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. " ---Edison
Each attempt which turns to fail, enables us to eliminates one possibility towards failure in our mission. It brings us a step closer to success.
This is the " I saw " part of the statement. One thing which really work here is, for whatever purpose you have chosen is: find people who have been successful in similar missions. Find a list of people whom you strongly admire and aspire to be like them. Read about them, find out their core beliefs, try modeling them as a part of you. Trying building those beliefs for yourself.
Then comes the time to take the plunge, infant we are ready to take the plunge. Success requires perspiration, there is no denying that. After all the effort, we must also make the right moves. Life is like a chessboard, we have faithful soldiers at our disposal, an army which is a combination of all strengths required to win; however, the right moves need to be made. Without making any move you cannot win. Ultimately, the reigns of your life is in your hand; come, fulfill your destiny.Make life the masterpiece it deserves to be.
This is the meaning which I attach to this statement. Would love to hear your thoughts/version, do share them.