Gone through your blog and your thoughts....
Have you ever seen the cactus flower. The flower has same qualities which others flowers have, beauty, softness, awesome color. However, nobody uses these flowers. They never think that how daring that plant is, which manages to grow in such an adverse situation; and inspite of the adversity.. it grows beautifully.
My bizarre thoughts say that maybe sometime all cactus plant would have bud flowers....
However, when the saw the adversity and fate (negligence) of other cactus plants of there family, they stopped budding flowers.
Again, a thought flashes on my mind... isn't this the case with my country, India... as well as the world....
There are many people who like to spread beauty, awareness, peace and sanguinity amongst the people around.However, seeing the fate of the people who think on similar lines, they take a step back.
However, there are some who still dare; inspite of all odds, inspite of the clouds of terrorism, unrest and treachery which have almost engulfed our atmosphere, they dare to change today for a better tomorrow. Thank God, such people still exist.
I too have thoughts like you. Just the difference is, you give them shape of blog and I try to kill those thoughts by my paintings and sketches.

Blogging. People around the globe who are fortunate enough to have access to the technology are hooked onto it. And finally I have joined the movement. It is like a huge wave in which I have immersed myself , and am delighted to be saoked in the nostalgia. I feel empowered. I feel I have the weapon to make my opinion count, to contribute in bringing about the change I have always believed in.
My thoughts just made me pause for a moment. I am right here for the amazingly simple reason, to hear others and to be heard. There is so much happiness knowing that a reader feels at one with your writing, trying to understand the depth of feelings spoken by every word. Scattered souls around the world come together, feeling in unison with the writing. There is so much joy in sharing happy thoughts. So much satisfaction in the realisation that I have fulfilled my purpose if I have motivated even a single soul to awaken against the wrongdoing. How strange that pain seems bearable when some sympathising soul relate to it. We all are tied with the same string of emotions. The same joy immerses every heart, the same tear flows through every eye. Nevertheless how much we are inclined to create differences amongst ourselves. How much we want to believe that the purpose of our existence clash with that of others and hence chose to destroy each other.
We fail to realise the power of words. We must use this gift with utmost sincerity realising the impact it has on others. Hence any writer carries with himself the biggest responsibility of choosing his words judiciously, since he also carries the power of influence.
This is the beginning of another year, and I felt there cannot be any better way to start the new year than to give shape to my thoughts on paper. I have a feeling I have started this too late. How much effort it takes from ourselves to convert our thoughts into actions. There may be many noble thoughts crowding our minds from time to time. These thoughts have the spark to raise ourselves from the common and the ordinary. However how sad it is that they die in their origin due to lack of action. We have always been waiting for the right time and complaining that time is never right. Turning our thoughts into actions is what makes all the difference. Hence on this new year let us pray: We pray to the Almighty to fill our hearts with dreams, dreams that will bring joy to our loved ones and mankind as a whole. Let these dreams have so overwhelming effect upon us that they completely engulf us in our sleep and in the day. Let our dreams make us so restless that there can be no scope of inaction. May the blood flowing through every vein carry the power of these dreams. Because we know our dreams lead us to our lives' mission and we know of no greater peace than their execution. Amen. APARNA DAS
Oh my, my, the paintings are REALLY beautiful!!!
I have been left speechless by the beauty of the thoughts and the power of the words that you have presented.
I find glimpses of inner beauty in the thoughts. The purity of the soul blended with the beautiful thoughts have manifest themselves in the words that have escaped the pen...
I am so happy to see the awakening and I am really glad that you have come forward to express and learn.
I strongly agree that after all we all human beings are tied by the same strings of emotions... we all laugh, smile, cry... how alike we are, aren't we? Still, so often we create differences amongst ourselves and the conflict erases away all our similarities and results in tension, unrest and disunity which all together father sorrow and unhappiness.
Wont the world be simply a great place if we all remain united, ready to teach and learn... learn from the universe and create your own universe as you travel the journey of life, paint the spectacular picture with the brushes of your beliefs, your thoughts and your dreams.
If each one us awakens the giant within us, the entire human race will awaken, and believe me, then the world will the much more beautiful than it is today...
Thank you so much for sharing, I look forward to more contribution
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