Lets introduce ourselves to a genie who can create wonders for us...
Are you aware of the unlimited power within you??? Come, lets take a journey, a journey into the insides of our minds to realize the immense potential that lies unexplored within us.
The giant is your sub conscious mind...Have you ever realized the immense power that lies within you still waiting to be discovered and unleashed?
Lets start a journey into the insides of our minds. Lets make one attempt to discover our true selves, our dreams, Dreams: which have been the silent guides in the journey of our life, we have traveled thus far.
Come, lets awaken the giant, if it is still dormant...and believe me, this giant is like the genie, yes Aladdin's Genie, it has the potential to make all our dreams come true.
Do you know the biggest secret... A secret which can change your life...which can make you all powerful.. which can give you the power to control and shape your destiny.... The secret which was known to most of the great personalities of the past... the great achievers and inventors... THE SECRET: THE LAW OF ATTRACTION...
In our lives we attract what we imagine and think...What we consistently and truly dream...
Let me know if you agree with me before we start a discussion further on this...
Lets brainstorm what we all think..whether the law of attraction does hold in the fashion that I have just described.
Hey Supriya...
I agree with you on the tremendous power possessed by the human mind..
I have had examples in my life too...some small petty examples.. like imagine if you think that you have to wake up at 5 in the morning, just tell this to yourself seriously before going to bed, definitely you wake up at 5... Who wakes you up???
I believe that prompt mysterious person is nothing but your sub conscious mind...
Regarding, the law of attraction..I do believe that holds too...If you see the world around, just have a peripheral look.. see people who are positive, attract the positive energy,wealth and prosperity and people who have a negative attitude towards things, feel more and more depressed with the passing time..
Absolutely Aanya, I agree with you.
I am happy to know you are aware of this power of the sub conscious.
However do you know with tools and techniques, and knowledge we can control our lives and really become the true creator of our lives.
Imagine an empty canvas, you can draw and paint your life...a beautiful painting.
However like an artist is aware of colors,shades,the science of mixing various colors you need to learn the science and art behind painting your life...
Its not as difficult as I sound.Its a wonderful and very interesting learning.It will open for you the floodgates to abundance: abundance in happiness, love and relationships, money... everything which you value and cherish.
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